Herc Giveaway Promo

Movie Giveaway

Submission Process:

Submission Process:

Click "CLAIM YOUR REWARD" to begin your submission. Complete all the steps in this form, including subscribing to our YouTube channel and sharing a screenshot of your subscription.

Once all steps are completed, you’ll receive a confirmation email with further instructions. Your final reward will be delivered via email, on the Premiere day of the movie.

The giveaway includes exclusive content such as a 4K version of the movie, Movie's MP3 audio, wallpapers, and more!

Click "CLAIM YOUR REWARD" to begin your submission. Complete all the steps in this form, including subscribing to our YouTube channel and sharing a screenshot of your subscription.

Once all steps are completed, you’ll receive a confirmation email with further instructions. Your final reward will be delivered via email, on the Premiere day of the movie.

The giveaway includes exclusive content such as a 4K version of the movie, Movie's MP3 audio, wallpapers, and more!

Enter your email address

Enter your email address

Enter your YouTube Username

Enter your YouTube Username

We need your username to verify your subscription!

Subscribe and share a screenshot

Subscribe to our channel

Click "Subscribe to our channel" below to open our YouTube page in a new window, and subscribe.

Then, screenshot your subscription and return here to upload it in the next step.

Click "Subscribe to our channel" below to open our YouTube page in a new window, and subscribe.

Then, screenshot your subscription and return here to upload it in the next step.

Upload your screenshot

Upload your screenshot

(Max. file size: 4MB)